Rotonda Don Mario Azzola - streets of Pisa (Tuscany).
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Click on the buttons below to display the map of Rotonda Don Mario Azzola, Pisa, Italy
Some places to see and things to do, close to Rotonda Don Mario Azzola, Pisa, Tuscany:
Points of interest located around Rotonda Don Mario Azzola, Pisa, within 30 minutes walking distance.Airport: Galileo Galilei Airport (3.2 km)
Business Area: ILM Pisa (2 km)
Landmarks / Monuments: Giardino Botanico Fondazione André Heller (2.1 km) • Leaning Tower of Pisa (2.4 km) • Piazza del Duomo (2.3 km) • San Piero a Grado (4 km) • Southern Italy (2 km)
Popular Area: Via Arrosti (0.8 km)
Stadium / Arena: Arena Garibaldi - Stadio Romeo Anconetani (2.6 km)
Train Station: Pisa Centrale Railway Station (1.9 km)
Rotonda Don Mario Azzola on the map of Pisa,
Pisa satellite view, Pisa street view.