Mantova MapStreets of MantovaPhotos from Mantova

Corso della Libertà - streets of Mantova, Lombardy, Italy

Mantova geographical data
City Name: Mantova
Population: 47,790
Region: Provincia di Mantova
Country: Italy
Capital: Rome
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 45.16° N
Longitude: 10.8° EW
Elevation: 20 m

Corso della Libertà - streets of Mantova (Lombardy).
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Mantova in different languages

Mantova (English, Italian)
Mantova ili (Turkish)
Mantova provints (Estonian)
Mantovan maakunta (Finnish)
Mantua (Dutch, English)
Mântua (Portuguese)
Mantua megye (Hungarian)
Mantuako probintzia (Basque)
Mantujas province (Latvian)
Mantujos provincija (Lithuanian)
Mantuya (Uzbek)
Provinca e Mantovës (Albanian)
Province de Mantoue (French)
Province of Mantua (English)
Província de Màntoa (Occitan (post 1500))
Provincia de Mantua (Spanish, Galician)
Província de Màntua (Catalan)
Provincia di Mantova (Italian)
Provincia Mantova (Romanian)
Provincia Mantuana (Latin)
Provincie Mantova (Czech)
Provinco Mantova (Esperanto)
Proviñs Mantova (Breton)
Provinsen Mantova (Norwegian Nynorsk, Norwegian)
Provinsi Mantova (Javanese, Indonesian)
Provinz Mantua (German)
Prowincja Mantua (Polish)
Wilayah Mantua (Malay (macrolanguage))
Μάντοβα (Modern Greek (1453-))
Мантова (Serbian)
Мантуа (Bulgarian)
Мантуя (Russian, Ukrainian)
Մանտուա (Armenian)
מנטובה (Hebrew)
استان منتووا (Persian)
صوبہ مانتووا (Urdu)
مقاطعة مانتوفا (Arabic)
மேன்டுவா மாகாணம் (Tamil)
მანტუის პროვინცია (Georgian)
マントヴァ県 (Japanese)
曼托瓦省 (Chinese)
만토바 현 (Korean)