Bagno di Romagna MapStreets of Bagno di RomagnaPhotos from Bagno di Romagna

Fattoria Caiconti - streets of Bagno di Romagna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Bagno di Romagna geographical data
City Name: Bagno di Romagna
Population: 6,108
Region: Provincia di Forlì
Country: Italy
Capital: Rome
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 43.84° N
Longitude: 11.96° EW
Elevation: 612 m

Fattoria Caiconti - streets of Bagno di Romagna (Emilia-Romagna).
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Bagno di Romagna weather live
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Bagno di Romagna in different languages

Bagno di Romagna (Polish, Italian, English, French, Portuguese, Esperanto, Dutch, German)
Balnei (Latin)
Бањо ди Ромања (Serbian)
Баньйо-ді-Романья (Ukrainian)
Баньо ди Романя (Bulgarian)
Баньо-ди-Романья (Kazakh, Russian)
Բանո դի Ռոմանիա (Armenian)
بانيو دي رومانيا (Arabic)
باگنو دی روماگنا (Persian)
バーニョ・ディ・ロマーニャ (Japanese)
巴尼奥-迪罗马涅 (Chinese)