Lohe, Regierungsbezirk Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germany
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Some places to see and things to do, close to the center of Lohe, Bavaria:
Points of interest located around the center of Lohe, within 30 minutes walking distance.Convention Centre: Meistersingerhalle (5.9 km)
Landmarks / Monuments: Frauenkirche (3.7 km) • Gänsemännchenbrunnen (3.6 km) • Hulk of the Katharinen Church (4 km) • King's Gate (4.3 km)
Museums: Albrecht-Dürer-Haus (3.5 km) • Germanisches Nationalmuseum (4.2 km) • Nuremberg Transport Museum (4.7 km) • Spielzeugmuseum (3.6 km) • The Clock Museum (4 km) • Waxworks (3.5 km)
Park: Citypark Nuremberg (2.8 km)
Popular Areas: Nice fountains (3.8 km) • Nurnberg Town Hall (3.6 km) • Old Town Nuremberg (3.8 km)
Shopping Area: Christkindlesmarkt (3.7 km)
Theatres: Schauspielhaus Nuremberg (4.7 km) • Staatstheater Nürnberg (4.6 km)
Train Station: Nürnberg Hauptbahnhof (4.6 km)
Lohe streets ,
Lohe satellite view, Lohe street view.