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Feursteinstraße - streets of Konstanz, Baden-Württemberg Region, Germany

Konstanz geographical data
City Name: Konstanz
Population: 81,275
Region: Baden-Württemberg Region
Country: Germany
Capital: Berlin
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 47.66° N
Longitude: 9.18° EW
Elevation: 394 m
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Feursteinstraße - streets of Konstanz (Baden-Württemberg Region).
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Streets of Konstanz (507):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Feursteinstraße, Konstanz, Baden-Württemberg Region:

Points of interest located around Feursteinstraße, Konstanz, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Landmark / Monument: Pedestrian Area Konstanz (4.4 km)
Museum: Rosgarten Museum Konstanz (4.4 km)
Theatres: Southwestern German Philharmonic Orchestra Konstanz (4.4 km) Town Theatre Konstanz (4.3 km)
Train Station: Konstanz Central Station (4.6 km)

Tags: Feursteinstraße on the map of Konstanz, Konstanz satellite view, Konstanz street view.

Konstanz weather live
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Konstanz in different languages

Constança (Portuguese, Catalan, Occitan (post 1500))
Constance (French)
Constanța (Romanian)
Constantia (Latin)
Constanza (Spanish, Galician)
Costanza (Italian)
Costnitz (German)
Konstanca (Slovenian)
Konstancas (Lithuanian)
Konstancja (Polish)
Konstanco (Esperanto)
Konstantza (Basque)
Konstanz (English, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, German, Portuguese, Turkish, Estonian, Indonesian, Finnish)
Kostnica (Slovak)
Kostnice (Czech)
Kostnitz (German)
Κωνσταντία (Modern Greek (1453-))
Канстанц (Belarusian)
Констанц (Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh, Bulgarian, Serbian)
קונסטנץ (Hebrew)
كونستانس (Arabic)
کنستانتس (Persian)
کونسٹانس (Urdu)
कॉन्स्टेंस (Hindi)
კონსტანცი (Georgian)
コンスタンツ (Japanese)
康斯坦茨 (Chinese)
콘스탄츠 (Korean)