Langsdamm - streets of Bremen
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Langsdamm, Bremen, Bremen:
Points of interest located around Langsdamm, Bremen, within 30 minutes walking distance.Landmarks / Monuments: Bremen Roland (5.7 km) • Bremer Stadtmusikanten (5.7 km) • St. Petri Cathedral (5.7 km)
Museums: Kunsthalle Bremen (5.3 km) • Weserburg - Museum for modern Art (6 km)
Popular Areas: Böttcherstraße (5.8 km) • Bremen Market Place (5.7 km) • Schlachte (6 km) • Schnoor Historic Old Town (5.4 km) • Wilhelm Wagenfeld Haus (5.3 km)
Stadium / Arena: Weserstadion (4 km)
Theatres: Die Glocke - Bremen Concert House (5.6 km) • Theater Goetheplatz Bremen (5.3 km)
Langsdamm on the map of Bremen,
Bremen satellite view, Bremen street view.