Carl-Herz-Ufer - streets of Berlin
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Carl-Herz-Ufer, Berlin, Berlin:
Points of interest located around Carl-Herz-Ufer, Berlin, within 30 minutes walking distance.Convention Centres: Berlin Congress Center (2.8 km) • Columbiahalle (1.5 km) • Max-Schmeling-Halle (5.3 km) • Russisches Haus (2.1 km)
Institutions: Kanzleramt (3.1 km) • The Reichstag (3 km)
Landmarks / Monuments: Bellevue Palace (4 km) • Brandenburg Gate (2.7 km) • Checkpoint Charlie (1.7 km)
Popular Areas: Alexanderplatz (3 km) • Gendarmenmarkt (2 km) • Hackescher Markt (3 km) • Potsdamer Platz (2.3 km) • Unter den Linden (2.6 km)
Shopping Areas: Friedrichstraße (1.6 km) • Hackesche Höfe (3.1 km)
Stadium / Arena: O2 World (3 km)
Train Stations: Berlin Hauptbahnhof (4 km) • Train Station Ostbahnhof (2.6 km)
Carl-Herz-Ufer on the map of Berlin,
Berlin satellite view, Berlin street view.