Lyon MapStreets of LyonPhotos from Lyon

Lyon, Département du Rhône, Rhône-Alpes - road map and street view

Lyon geographical data
City Name: Lyon
Population: 472,317
Region: Département du Rhône
Country: France
Capital: Paris
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 45.75° N
Longitude: 4.85° EW
Elevation: 175 m
Districts: 1st arrondissement of Lyon, 2nd arrondissement of Lyon, 3rd arrondissement of Lyon, 4th arrondissement of Lyon, 5th arrondissement of Lyon, 6th arrondissement of Lyon, 7th arrondissement of Lyon, 8th arrondissement of Lyon, 9th arrondissement of Lyon,

Lyon, Département du Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France road map & street view
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Lyon in different languages

León do Roine (Aragonese)
Lió (Catalan)
Lion (Uzbek, Occitan (post 1500), Albanian, Uighur, Azerbaijani)
Lión (Galician)
Liona (Latvian)
Lionas (Lithuanian)
Lione (Italian, Sardinian)
Liono (Esperanto)
Liyon (Kurdish)
Lugdunum (Latin)
Lyon (Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Asso, German, Croatian, Language Name, Dutch, Turkish, Icelandic, Polish, Danish, Portuguese, Swedish, Quechua, Afrikaans, Czech, Slovak, Finnish, Norwegian, Estonian, Slovenian, Swahili (macrolanguage), Limburgan, English, Romanian, Hungarian, Basque, Indonesian, Spanish, French)
Λυών (Modern Greek (1453-))
Ліён (Belarusian)
Ліон (Ukrainian)
Лион (Kazakh, Russian, Chechen, Ossetian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Serbian)
Լիոն (Armenian)
ליאן (Yiddish)
ליון (Hebrew)
ليون (Arabic)
لیون (Persian, Urdu)
ल्यों (Marathi, Hindi)
ਲਿਓਂ (Panjabi)
ଲିଓନ (Oriya (macrolanguage))
லியோன் (Tamil)
ลียง (Thai)
ལི་ཡོང་། (Tibetan)
လီယွန်းမြို့ (Burmese)
ლიონი (Georgian)
ልዮን (Amharic)
リヨン (Japanese)
里昂 (Chinese)
리옹 (Korean)