Jyväskylä MapStreets of JyväskyläPhotos from Jyväskylä

Lahjamaantie - streets of Jyvaskyla, Province of Western Finland, Finland

Jyväskylä geographical data
City Name: Jyväskylä (Jyvaskyla)
Population: 85,026
Region: Mellersta Finland
Province of Western Finland
Country: Finland
Capital: Helsinki
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 62.23° N
Longitude: 25.73° EW
Elevation: 70 m

Lahjamaantie - streets of Jyväskylä (Province of Western Finland).
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Streets of Jyväskylä (1852):

Tags: Lahjamaantie on the map of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä satellite view, Jyväskylä street view.

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Jyväskylä in different languages

Granivicus (Latin)
Jiveskile (Latvian)
Juveskiulė (Lithuanian)
Jyväskylä (Romanian, Language Name, English, Icelandic, Swedish, Spanish, Polish, Indonesian, Finnish, French, Norwegian, Czech, Italian, German, Dutch, Norwegian Nynorsk, Esperanto)
Jyväskylä linn (Estonian)
Γυβάσκυλα (Modern Greek (1453-))
Јивескиле (Serbian)
Йювяскюля (Russian)
Ювяскюля (Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian)
ייבסקילה (Hebrew)
يوفاسكولا (Arabic)
یواسکولا (Urdu)
ییواسکیلا (Persian)
ยูแวสกูแล (Thai)
ユヴァスキュラ (Japanese)
于韦斯屈莱 (Chinese)
이위베스퀼레 (Korean)