Victoria MapStreets of VictoriaPhotos from Victoria

Tovido Lane - streets of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Victoria geographical data
City Name: Victoria
Population: 289,625
Region: British Columbia
Country: Canada
Capital: Ottawa
Currency: Dollar (CAD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 48.43° N
Longitude: -123.37°W
Elevation: 1 m

Tovido Lane - streets of Victoria (British Columbia).
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Streets of Victoria (497):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Tovido Lane, Victoria, British Columbia:

Points of interest located around Tovido Lane, Victoria, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Convention Centre: Victoria Conference Centre (3.3 km)
Landmark / Monument: British Columbia Parliament Buildings (3.4 km)
Museums: Art Gallery of Greater Victoria (2.9 km) Royal British Columbia Museum (3.3 km)
Park: Beacon Hill Park (4.1 km)
Popular Areas: Craigdarroch Castle (2.8 km) Victoria Conservatory of Music (2.5 km)
Shopping Area: Market Square Victoria (2.7 km)
Theatre: Royal Theatre Victoria (2.9 km)

Tags: Tovido Lane on the map of Victoria, Victoria satellite view, Victoria street view.

Victoria weather live
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Victoria in different languages

Victòria (Sardinian)
Victoria (German, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Welsh, Slovak, Czech, Polish, Finnish, English, French, Romanian, Dutch)
Victòria (Occitan (post 1500))
Victoria (Swedish, Danish, Spanish, Portuguese, Ido)
Viktoria (Albanian)
Viktorija (Latvian, Lithuanian)
Viktorio (Esperanto)
Viktoriya (Azerbaijani)
Wiktoriye (Uighur)
Βικτώρια Βρετανικής Κολομβίας (Modern Greek (1453-))
Вікторія (Ukrainian)
Виктори (Ossetian)
Викторија (Serbian)
Виктория (Russian, Bulgarian)
Վիկտորիա (Armenian)
ויקטוריה (Hebrew)
فكتوريا (Arabic)
وکٹوریا، برٹش کولمبیا (Urdu)
ویکتوریا، بریتیش کلمبیا (Persian)
व्हिक्टोरिया (Marathi)
ਵਿਕਟੋਰੀਆ (Panjabi)
விக்டோரியா (Tamil)
วิกตอเรีย (Thai)
ვიქტორია (Georgian)
ビクトリア (Japanese)
ヴィクトリア (Japanese)
維多利亞 (Chinese)
빅토리아 (Korean)