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Edward Avenue - streets of Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Niagara Falls geographical data
City Name: Niagara Falls
Population: 82,000
Region: Ontario
Country: Canada
Capital: Ottawa
Currency: Dollar (CAD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 43.1° N
Longitude: -79.07°W
Elevation: 159 m

Edward Avenue - streets of Niagara Falls (Ontario).
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Streets of Niagara Falls (961):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Edward Avenue, Niagara Falls, Ontario:

Points of interest located around Edward Avenue, Niagara Falls, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Attractions: Aquarium of Niagara (3.2 km) Bridal Veil Falls (2.1 km) Casino Niagara (2.4 km) Cave of the Winds (2 km) Gray Line Tours (3.3 km) Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (2.9 km) Niagara Falls Convention & Visitors Bureau (3.1 km) Seneca Niagara Casino & Hotel (3.2 km)
Business Areas: Conference Center Niagara Falls (3 km) Niagara Tourism and Convention Corporation (3.2 km)
Institution: USA Niagara Development Corporation (2.9 km)
Landmarks / Monuments: Falls Wedding Chapel (3 km) Lavinia Porter Manse (2.9 km) Maid of Mist (4.3 km) Niagara Falls (2.8 km) Niagara Falls Tower (1.5 km) Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort (1.4 km) Niagara Wedding Chapel (3.1 km) The Skylon Tower (1.5 km)
Museums: Daredevil Museum of Niagara Falls (2.9 km) Niagara Aerospace Museum (3.1 km) Niagara Wax Museum of History (2.6 km) Polly King Art Gallery (3.9 km) Schoellkopf Geological Museum (3.1 km)
Parks: Niagara Falls State Park (2.3 km) Niagara Gorge Trail (4.6 km) Whirlpool State Park (4.6 km)
Popular Areas: American Falls (2.1 km) Horseshoe Falls (1.7 km)
Theatre: Shaw Theater (3.7 km)
Train Station: Niagara Falls Ontario Amtrak Station (4.1 km)

Tags: Edward Avenue on the map of Niagara Falls, Niagara Falls satellite view, Niagara Falls street view.

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