Fort Erie MapStreets of Fort EriePhotos from Fort Erie

Lavinia Street - streets of Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

Fort Erie geographical data
City Name: Fort Erie
Population: 15,953
Region: Ontario
Country: Canada
Capital: Ottawa
Currency: Dollar (CAD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 42.9° N
Longitude: -78.93°W
Elevation: 184 m
Districts: Elmwood Village,

Lavinia Street - streets of Fort Erie (Ontario).
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Streets of Fort Erie (536):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Lavinia Street, Fort Erie, Ontario:

Points of interest located around Lavinia Street, Fort Erie, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Convention Centres: Buffalo City Hall (4.2 km) Buffalo Convention Center (4.3 km)
Landmarks / Monuments: Buffalo Lighthouse (4.6 km) Guaranty/Prudential Building (4.6 km) One M&T Plaza (4.7 km) St. Josephs Cathedral (4.6 km) St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral (4.7 km) Wilcox Mansion (3.5 km)
Museums: Albright - Knox Art Gallery (3.4 km) Benjamin's Art Gallery (3 km) Frank Lloyd Wrights & Darwin Martin House Complex (4.2 km) Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum (2.6 km) Pierce - Arrow Museum (5.3 km)
Parks: Buffalo Naval and Military Park (5.1 km) Delaware Park (4.6 km) Dunn Tire Park (4.9 km) Fountain Plaza (4.3 km)
Stadium / Arena: HSBC Arena (5.4 km)
Theatres: Kavinoky Theater (2.3 km) Kleinhans Music Hall (2.9 km) Shea's Performing Arts Center (4.2 km) Theater of Youth (3.3 km)
Train Station: Buffalo-Exchange Street Station (5.2 km)

Tags: Lavinia Street on the map of Fort Erie, Fort Erie satellite view, Fort Erie street view.

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Fort Erie in different languages
Fort Érié (French)