Zemst MapStreets of ZemstPhotos from Zemst

Sint-Bernardusstraat - streets of Zemst, Flanders, Belgium

Zemst geographical data
City Name: Zemst
Population: 21,096
Region: Provincie Vlaams-Brabant
Country: Belgium
Capital: Brussels
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 50.98° N
Longitude: 4.47° EW
Elevation: 10 m

Sint-Bernardusstraat - streets of Zemst (Flanders).
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Streets of Zemst (301):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Sint-Bernardusstraat, Zemst, Flanders:

Points of interest located around Sint-Bernardusstraat, Zemst, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Park: Vrijbroekpark (4.3 km)

Tags: Sint-Bernardusstraat on the map of Zemst, Zemst satellite view, Zemst street view.

Zemst weather live
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Zemst in different languages

Земст (Bulgarian, Russian)
زامست (Persian)
泽姆斯特 (Chinese)