Koningin Astridlaan - Avenue Reine Astrid - streets of Wemmel (Flanders).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Koningin Astridlaan - Avenue Reine Astrid, Wemmel, Flanders:
Points of interest located around Koningin Astridlaan - Avenue Reine Astrid, Wemmel, within 30 minutes walking distance.Convention Centre: Brussels Expo (1.5 km)
Landmarks / Monuments: Atomium (1.5 km) • Grand Place (5.9 km) • Guild Houses (6 km) • Mannekin Pis (5.8 km) • Saint-Nicolas Church (5.8 km) • St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral (6.1 km) • The King's house (5.9 km) • Town Hall (5.9 km) • Vismêt (5.4 km)
Shopping Areas: Royal galleries of Saint Hubertus (5.9 km) • Rue Neuve (5.5 km)
Theatre: le Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie (5.7 km)
Train Stations: Bruxelles-Central (6.2 km) • Bruxelles-Nord (4.9 km) • Metro Station (6.2 km)
Koningin Astridlaan - Avenue Reine Astrid on the map of Wemmel,
Wemmel satellite view, Wemmel street view.