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Impasse du Gué - streets of Liege, Province de Liège, Walloon Region, Belgium

Liège geographical data
City Name: Liège (Liege)
Population: 182,597
Region: Province de Liège
Walloon Region
Country: Belgium
Capital: Brussels
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 50.64° N
Longitude: 5.57° EW
Elevation: 63 m
Districts: Angleur,

Impasse du Gué - streets of Liège (Walloon Region).
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Streets of Liège (1469):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Impasse du Gué, Liège, Walloon Region:

Points of interest located around Impasse du Gué, Liège, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Tags: Impasse du Gué on the map of Liège, Liège satellite view, Liège street view.

Liège weather live
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Liège in different languages

Léck (Luxembourgish)
Leodicum (Latin)
Leodium (Latin)
Lidje (Walloon, Aragonese)
Liège (English, Polish, Romanian, Galician, Portuguese, French)
Liege (Finnish)
Liège (Danish, Indonesian, Finnish, Swedish)
Liegi (Italian, Corsican)
Lieĝo (Esperanto)
Lieja (Catalan, Basque)
Lièja (Occitan (post 1500))
Lieja (Spanish)
Ljēža (Latvian)
Lježas (Lithuanian)
Luik (Dutch)
Lüttich (German)
Lutych (Czech)
Luuk (Limburgan)
Λιέγη (Modern Greek (1453-))
Лијеж (Serbian)
Лиеж (Bulgarian)
Льєж (Ukrainian)
Льеж (Belarusian, Kazakh, Russian, Chechen)
Լիեժ (Armenian)
לייז (Hebrew)
ליעזש (Yiddish)
لييج (Arabic)
لیژ (Persian)
लीज (Marathi)
ลีแยฌ (Thai)
လိဂျမြို့ (Burmese)
ლიეჟი (Georgian)
リエージュ (Japanese)
列日 (Chinese)
리에주 (Korean)