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Pastoriekouter - streets of Kortrijk, Flanders, Belgium

Kortrijk geographical data
City Name: Kortrijk
Population: 73,879
Region: Provincie West-Vlaanderen
Country: Belgium
Capital: Brussels
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 50.83° N
Longitude: 3.26° EW
Elevation: 13 m
Districts: Bellegem,

Pastoriekouter - streets of Kortrijk (Flanders).
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Streets of Kortrijk (977):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Pastoriekouter, Kortrijk, Flanders:

Points of interest located around Pastoriekouter, Kortrijk, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Convention Centre: Kortrijk Xpo (3.8 km)
Landmarks / Monuments: Belfry of Kortrijk (2.5 km) Broel Towers (2.7 km) City Hall (2.5 km)
Train Stations: Bissegem (0.7 km) Kortrijk railway station (2.4 km)

Tags: Pastoriekouter on the map of Kortrijk, Kortrijk satellite view, Kortrijk street view.

Kortrijk weather live
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Kortrijk in different languages

Contrai (Aragonese)
Cortoriacum (Latin)
Courtrai (Galician, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Occitan (post 1500), Vietnamese, Italian)
Kortreika (Latvian)
Kortreikas (Lithuanian)
Kortrejko (Esperanto)
Kortrijk (German, Dutch, English, Norwegian, Polish)
Kortrik (Western Frisian)
Кортрајк (Serbian)
Кортрейк (Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian)
Кортрэйк (Belarusian)
קורטרייק (Hebrew)
کورتریک (Persian)
คอร์ทไรค์ (Thai)
コルトレイク (Japanese)
科特赖克 (Chinese)
코르트레이크 (Korean)