Gedinne MapStreets of GedinnePhotos from Gedinne

Streets of Gedinne, Province de Namur, Walloon Region

Gedinne geographical data
City Name: Gedinne
Population: 4,416
Region: Province de Namur
Walloon Region
Country: Belgium
Capital: Brussels
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 49.98° N
Longitude: 4.93° EW
Elevation: 320 m
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Gedinne, Province de Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium
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Gedinne in different languages

Djedene (Walloon)
Gedinne (Dutch, Spanish, Norwegian, English, French, Esperanto)
Жедин (Bulgarian, Russian)
ژودین (Persian)
热迪讷 (Chinese)