Wiener Neustadt MapStreets of Wiener NeustadtPhotos from Wiener Neustadt

Louis Pasteur-Straße - streets of Wiener Neustadt, Lower Austria, Austria

Wiener Neustadt geographical data
City Name: Wiener Neustadt
Population: 38,481
Region: Lower Austria
Country: Austria
Capital: Vienna
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 47.8° N
Longitude: 16.25° EW
Elevation: 262 m

Louis Pasteur-Straße - streets of Wiener Neustadt (Lower Austria).
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Tags: Louis Pasteur-Straße on the map of Wiener Neustadt, Wiener Neustadt satellite view, Wiener Neustadt street view.

Wiener Neustadt weather live
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Wiener Neustadt in different languages

Bečko Novo Mjesto (Croatian, Bosnian)
Bécsújhely (Hungarian)
Bécsújváros (Hungarian)
Dunajsko Novo mesto (Slovenian)
Német-Újhely (Hungarian)
Nova civitas Vindobonensis (Latin)
Vídeňské Nové Město (Czech)
Viedenské Nové Mesto (Slovak)
Vyner Noištatas (Lithuanian)
Wiener Neustadt (German, Polish, English, Finnish, Romanian, Esperanto, Dutch, Breton)
Wr. Neustadt (German)
Βίνερ Νόιστατ (Modern Greek (1453-))
Вінер-Нойштадт (Ukrainian)
Винер Нојштат (Serbian)
Винер Нойщат (Bulgarian)
Винер-Нойштадт (Russian)
וינר נוישטט (Hebrew)
فينر نويشتات (Arabic)
وینر نویشتات (Persian)
ვინერ-ნოიშტადტი (Georgian)
ウィーナー・ノイシュタット (Japanese)
維也納新城 (Chinese)
비너노이슈타트 (Korean)