Sankt Veit an der Glan MapStreets of Sankt Veit an der GlanPhotos from Sankt Veit an der Glan

Graf Egger Straße - streets of Sankt Veit an der Glan, Carinthia, Austria

Sankt Veit an der Glan geographical data
City Name: Sankt Veit an der Glan
Population: 13,116
Region: Carinthia
Country: Austria
Capital: Vienna
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 46.77° N
Longitude: 14.36° EW
Elevation: 466 m

Graf Egger Straße - streets of Sankt Veit an der Glan (Carinthia).
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Streets of Sankt Veit an der Glan (182):

Tags: Graf Egger Straße on the map of Sankt Veit an der Glan, Sankt Veit an der Glan satellite view, Sankt Veit an der Glan street view.

Sankt Veit an der Glan weather live
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Sankt Veit an der Glan in different languages

Šentvid ob Glini (Slovenian)
Санкт Фајт на Глану (Serbian)
Санкт Файт ан дер Глан (Bulgarian)
Санкт-Вайт-ан-дер-Глан (Russian)
Санкт-Файт-ан-дер-Глан (Russian, Kazakh)
Санкт-Файт-ан-дер-Ґлан (Ukrainian)
زنکت فایت آن در گلان (Persian)
სანქტ-ფაიტ-ან-დერ-გლანი (Georgian)
格蘭河畔聖法伊特 (Chinese)