Dwyer Street - streets of Chippendale (New South Wales).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Dwyer Street, Chippendale, New South Wales:
Points of interest located around Dwyer Street, Chippendale, within 30 minutes walking distance.Airport: Sydney Airport (6.3 km)
Attractions: Luna Park Sydney (4.2 km) • Star City Casino (1.9 km) • Sydney Aquarium (1.6 km) • Sydney Wildlife World (1.7 km) • Taronga Zoo (5.8 km)
Business Area: Central Business District (1.6 km)
Convention Centre: Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre (1 km)
Institutions: University of NSW (4.6 km) • University of Sydney (1.4 km)
Landmarks / Monuments: Centrepoint Tower (1.7 km) • Sydney Harbour Bridge (3.8 km)
Marina: Sydney Harbour (4.1 km)
Museums: Art Gallery of New South Wales (2.2 km) • Australian National Maritime Museum (1.7 km) • Powerhouse Museum (0.7 km) • Sydney Observatory (2.8 km)
Parks: Chinese Garden of Friendship (0.9 km) • Moore Park (2 km) • Royal Botanic Gardens (2.9 km)
Popular Areas: Australia Square (2.3 km) • Cockle Bay (1.4 km) • Kings Cross (2.1 km) • Oxford Street (1.3 km)
Shopping Areas: Queen Victoria Building (1.5 km) • Sydney Markets (0.5 km)
Stadium / Arena: Sydney Entertainment Centre (0.7 km)
Theatre: Sydney Opera House (3.3 km)
Train Stations: Central Railway Station (0.5 km) • Circular Quay (2.5 km) • Town Hall (1.3 km) • Wynyard (2.1 km)
Dwyer Street on the map of Chippendale,
Chippendale satellite view, Chippendale street view.